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Let's Connect

Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called, "Today."  - Hebrews 3:13

We want to hear from you. We want to pray for you.

We hope you'll join us by participating in our focused devotion God through our monthly exercises, evaluations, and appointed times.


Scroll down to learn more about our communications.



We Moved!

Apartado de correos 11304

Charlotte, NC 28220



Our emails are primarily centered on discipleship and helping you to grow spiriutally. Join us as we stay in step with God and grow into His likeness.



Spiritual exercises designed to help you draw near to God and press on to spiritual maturity. 


One per month on the first of the month.

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Biblical events for each month of the year to stay in step with God and His appointed times.


One per month, on the first day of God's month.

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Announcements, special training opportunities, and new releases from our Bookstore.  


A few times per year.


Our total focus is on seeking the Lord and obeying His voice. We prefer to serve God without letting our right hand know what our left hand is doing. We are not into newsletters. We're into Jesus.

The best way to stay in tune with what we are doing is to subscribe to our monthly email trainings and our Podcast. If you are serious about affiliating with us, start applying by the Manifest Approach in your own life and let us know how it is going.

Most importantly, follow Jesus wherever He leads you and live out His commands in your own life. He will never fail you and He is truly worthy of all you have to give. 

Be blessed! 

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