Directions to the HUB
GPS to the HUB address will take you the wrong way on a dirt road.
Instead, please follow these directions:
Use GPS to navigate to Dave's 209: 13075 NC-209, Hot Springs, NC
Go NORTH on 209 by turning right out of Dave's parking lot (or pass by Dave's as long as it is on your right.)
Take the first LEFT onto Caldwell Mountain Road.
At the end of the road, turn LEFT on Meadow Fork Road.
After ONE MILE, the HUB will be on your RIGHT.
NOTE: Please do your best to arrive before sundown. The mountain roads to the HUB are very windy and unfamiliar to new guests.
All visitors MUST check in upon arrival at the HUB.
*Note: If you require overnight accommodations, you must fill out an Overnight Guest Application. We cannot guarantee an overnight stay for daytime visitors.